Oh, for the love of sugary treats, from choccies, lollies, sour gummies, pastries and everything in between.
These yummy snacks bring us so much joy, but the sad truth is, if you consume too many, you could be at risk of becoming Diabetic, which may affect your hearing.
The fact is, hearing loss is twice as common in people who are Diabetic than people of the same age who are not.
So, while we’re living our best lives and eating whatever we want to, high blood sugar levels impair our small blood vessels and nerves in the inner ear, which could lead to hearing loss.
However, if you take stock of your sugar intake and make positive lifestyle adjustments today, you can be in control of what happens next!
These are the most common hearing loss signs to look out for:
- Asking people to repeat themselves.
- Trouble following conversations.
- Thinking that others are mumbling.
- Difficulty hearing in noisy places.
- Increasing the volume on the TV, radio, mobile devices.
Being aware of these signs is very important,
but when do you need to make an appointment with a Hearing Works hearing care professional?
- When you notice any of the signs of hearing loss mentioned above.
- When you experience sudden hearing loss in one or both ears.
- When you have a severe earache or think you may have an infection.
- When other people notice your hearing difficulties and start to comment on
them. - When you begin to avoid certain people or places in anticipation of hearing difficulty
One of the more common symptoms associated with hearing loss and Diabetes is Tinnitus.
Although this condition varies in its symptoms and severity, Tinnitus is usually experienced as a ringing or humming sound in the ears.
Whatever the signs or symptoms may be,
it is necessary to get them checked as soon as possible. Diabetic medication is available to get the condition under control and making some healthy lifestyle adjustments can make a big difference.
- There are several medications available, including insulin injections, especially for Type 1 Diabetes.
- Start making healthy eating choices today as excessive weight puts you at a much higher risk.
- Stay active and exercise as often as you can to improve your blood circulation and blood flow.
Unfortunately, sensorineural hearing loss is not reversible, but you can make a difference by being aware of the following:
- Make sure you maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
- Get your hearing checked at Hearing Works.
- Avoid loud noises if you can.
- Speak to your doctor about any medicines you are taking and if they are Ototoxic, i.e. they can damage your hearing.
If you are Diabetic, concerned about hearing loss or need expert advice, speak to a Hearing Works hearing care professional today so that you don’t miss out on the absolute joy of hearing in the future.