Hearing Works

Our passion became a reality

A group of hearing care professionals embarked on a journey to improve the hearing health of all South Africans

How did we start?
It all began in 2017
It all began in 2017

We wanted to make a difference!

We wanted to offer all South Africans the opportunity to have their hearing health assessed and improved by professionals who love what they do.

The idea of Hearing Works was formulated in 2017 when we realised that there was a gap in the market that offered inclusive high-level hearing care solutions to South Africans.

Besides exclusive hearing centres, which were available at that time, we wanted to build stores that were a one-stop-hearing health destination where customers could have all their hearing health concerns addressed and the latest products could be simultaneously purchased.

Essentially a place where affordability, science, hearing care and technology met.

The idea was a breakthrough concept, so we decided to allow our passions to direct us towards our shared goals.

What are our core values?
Our values are who we are!

We are a group of dedicated hearing care professionals who always put our clients first.
We are thorough in all our assessments and ensure affordability and quality are top priorities.
Our ethos stands for innovation, respect, responsibility, quality service and investment in the latest technology.

With these core beliefs and our network of 5 stores nationwide, Hearing Works is there for you for all your hearing care needs.

What are our core values?
We love what we do so you can too!

We use our well-known hashtag #LOVEYOURHEARING because we love what we do, and we want to help you to love your hearing by doing all the right things.

Why not give your ears the respect they deserve by visiting Hearing Works for a comprehensive hearing health experience!

Say HI to our incredible team!

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